nixtress's Diaryland Diary


can YOU get stuck in a parking lot?

Humpday..and what a day it's been. Not much to report other than basic stupidity. I got my vehicle stuck today--not in a snow drift, not on a road, in a PARKING LOT. Yes, I got my vehicle stuck in a parking space. I went to my grams to make sure she took her meds at 8 am and for lack of any other parking spaces, I chose one that hadn't been shoveled but had been parked in previously (obviously must have been a big ole truck or something). After my visit with grams, and trudging her dog out to pee on everything in a 5 mile radius, I get in my vehicle and prepare to leave. I get two inches and begin to spinnnnnnnnn in the snow. So, remembering someone at some point telling me you need to do a forward-backward rocking motion to get out of these situations, I proceed to do that. However, while doing this I'm inching/sliding lil bit by lil bit ever so much closer to this lovely new car parked next to me, until I'm literally unable to open my driver side door because there's only an inch of space between us!!! Still having made NO ground. I clamber out the passenger side door (which has yards of space over there of course) and into the building to flag down a not-happy-looking manager to come assist my blond ass. He hauls out a bucket full of salt and a lil scoop and mutters something about just need a lil grab. hmmmm...

we return to the scene of my stupidity, and he scoops a lil snow out, spreads a lil salt, and grimaces at how close my vehicle is to the lovely NEW car next to it. He then pours himself in the inch-wide space he's able to open the driver's side door, and thru much straightening of tires, and rocking as well as spinning manages to unearth my tires from the snow and into a space free of the dastardly stuff. I thanked him profusely, being twelve shades of scarlet, and after offering up my next 7 children, get in my vehicle and drive away while vowing never to face him again!!

SO. I will never ::repeat:: NEVER park in an unshoveled space again. And you'll never know another person who can get stuck in a parking lot like I can.

Ok, so does anyone know approximately how long it takes for mail to get from here to Ontario, Canada?

And does anyone know when Spring's coming? Cuz I'm really really REALLLLLLLLLY tired of snow. And cold. And not being able to open my windows for fear my nipples will get frostbitten while completely covered. I'm tired. And I think I need a nap. I'll post more later.


1:29 p.m. - 2003-02-19


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