nixtress's Diaryland Diary


I think dischord is in the air...

I have a headache of monstrous proportions and if I take one more Tylenol, I'm going to O.D.

Lemme see..where to start.

Yesterday, a little after noon, the school called and apparently Trev had a meltdown (his first major one since probably preschool) and needed to be picked up. He's done quite well the last couple years, so this sort of threw me. We missed the Scout meeting last night, because of everything that had happened during the day. I woke this morning, got them to school and returned home to a phone call from my cousin Amy who was sobbing. She and her husband have been arguing all week long, and he has been refusing to talk to her. Apparently, he began vacation time from work on Saturday and last night informed her he'd like to move out and get an apartment elsewhere, just to take a break from their relationship. A BREAK!! Last I checked, when you pledge to love someone through better or worse, that doesn't involve renting your own apt. half an hour away. *sigh* The really sad part was the he somehow convinced her that in spite of their multitudes of bills and strife, that moving out would be a good thing. After she talked to her dad this morning, she went back and told Brad it wasn't going to work, and that she honestly felt he needed to stick with it and work it out, to which he got royally pissed and told her to see an attorney because they were done.

Rightfully, anyone would be upset over this situation. Unfortunately, my cousin is very melodramatic as well so it's making it all worse.

I talked to Trev's teacher today and he seems to be back on an even keel. Hopefully that holds. Part of the difficulties in having a child who has behaviors in the autistic spectrum.

SO. Now I'm here, updating, watching some decorating show in a half-assed manner, and de-stressing.

My oral fixation from yesterday was used and abused via Tootsie Pops yesterday and I'm back in fine form.

Journalcon entries abound throughout Dland right now, and it would seem most everyone had an enjoyable (if drunk!) time. I'm still trying to gear up for Nanowrimo. Ha. I think I'll be flying by the seat of my pants.

Happy Tuesday, all.


12:45 p.m. - 2003-10-21


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