nixtress's Diaryland Diary


I never knew I had a weak stomach...

***WARNING-Parts of this entry may seriously gross you out!!!***

I'm having a few frustrations:

1) My Christmas fund got sorely cut into with all of the car shenanigans that have been happening.

2) I just don't have any TIME anymore!

3) There's something seriously tweaked about rubbing your grandmother's bum.


I had to adjust my insurance in order to get the loaner, resulting in paying out a not so tidy sum. That in collaboration to the towing bill and everything else has taken away my buffer zone on Christmas money and I'm hitting the point where someone (not my children!) isn't going to get a thing from me.

Time is a valuable thing to me, something that I've taken for granted since both boys have been in school fulltime. I've enjoyed my leisurely cleaning and ME time. And now it seems like I'm hardly home and when I am, I'm having to bust ass trying to get the housework done, boys' homework done, multitudes of other things done as well as spending time just being WITH the boys. Add into that the fact that I have to sleep sometime and you've got NO TIME LEFT FOR ANYTHING!!

And today was gross-out day for Grams and me. I've settled into the heavy duty portions of my care-taking duties fine for the most part. I can handle helping her scrub her gums, clean her up after she pees in the bedside commode, can take bathing her and all the other assorted fun tasks. Today wasn't so easy. She doesn't wear Depends as she's still in control of her bladder, etc. she did more than pee. I'm not going to go into complete detail--it's enough to say that wearing rubber gloves and bathing my Gram's bottom half, then using Tucks on her and smearing her up with Preparation H was NOT the highlight of my day. In fact, I had a real tough time not tossing my cookies. I love the woman dearly and I think it's pretty obvious that there's nothing I wouldn't do for her, but that doesn't mean it's all a piece of cake. And let's not discuss the whole denture thing. Something about dentures sitting in slimy water with pieces of crud floating..makes me gag even now. It's not that I don't know this happens to everyone eventually. I just have a saliva phobia, maybe. Or maybe today has just been one of those days.

I work tonight with ObsessiveWoman, so keep your fingers crossed that it's busy and the night flies. And then I'm off for two nights.

Seeing as how I have a fake tree set up with lights and that's IT, it'd be sort of nice to get it fully decorated. I'm sure the boys would appreciate that. And I'm curious to see how many ornaments the cats can attack. Freya really seems to enjoy boxing the lower branches. And Wraith thinks it's a climbing toy. Joy and happiness.

I'm going to go shower now and try to wash away my negativity.

Happy Wednesday all.


1:11 p.m. - 2003-12-10


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