nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Mother's Day

Here it is, the cusp of a nother day and I'm just now getting to my Mother's Day entry.

Still fairly freshly home from work, which wasn't bad at all. BadgeBunny called off sick and I got to work with the Prozac Princess instead. Shey's typically a first shifter and I don't have to work with her often and to be honest, she's pretty harmless so it wasn't intolerable.

My Mother's Day..I got to sleep in, probably the best present for me this weekend, all things considered. The boys brought home, on Friday, the age old gift of marigold sprouts in a Dixie cup which I promptly placed on the window sill and pinkie-swore I wouldn't let them dry out and die. One of my sons brought home a letter, detailing what he loved about me (which included cleaning up his puke when he's sick and giving him hugs any time he asked for them) with a picture he'd drawn of us together. The other brought home a little booklet that had sentences for him to finish--sort of the same as the letter but with vastly different answers. I discovered that I'm special to him because I'm funny and I'm nice and I do laundry even when I'm tired of doing laundry. I also found out that one of the reasons my sons love me (they both mentioned this) is because I make them breakfast! They're learning early the old adage of "the way to a man's heart"...

They also mentioned that I'm special because I do boy things with them--I'm guessing the baseball game made an impression.

Darling boys. I'm so blessed. Amidst all the momness of cleaning up after sick kids, cleaning up after boys period, shuttling to and fro, trying to keep up with growth spurts, wiping snotty noses and keeping wriggling boys from scrapping, I'm incredibly lucky to have these little beings who love me for me, who love me in spite of the days where I feel like a complete and utter failure. I'm lucky to have such bright, healthy, loving, sweet, and boyish boys. And it's the endearing little ways they thank me on a daily basis year round that makes a day like Mother's Day really not so necessary for me. I know they love me--they show it with the hugs they still share and the stories they tell me and the way I factor into their daily lives.

Which isn't to say that they don't occasionally drive me off my rocker! That's just part of the joy of being a mom, too.

Happy Mother's Day, moms.


Voices are great things. They can tell so much about a person...

And on that note, I'm off to crawl between sheets that smell like fabric softener instead of the wind.


11:59 p.m. - 2004-05-09


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