nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you...

Wrong. I was so wrong. Nothing was fixed. I turned off my computer last night thinking there was hope on the horizon and I was woefully wrong.

That was realized when I turned the damn box back on this morning and the program promptly RE-INSTALLED ITSELF!! Who the hell made a program that knows when you're trying to get rid of it and can re-install itself?? Really--it wouldn't let me shut the install window. I could almost hear the snide giggles echoing as the damn spyware outsmarted me. I'd like to meet the makers just so I can get physically violent for about the third time ever in my life (the prior two instances are noteworthy only because with one I knocked out a fifth graders' tooth when I was in first, and the second was because my mother tried to take a broom handle to my head when I was a teen because she was drunk). I digress.

I hate the inventor of this Trojan/spyware/virus/whatever the hell it is.

My hard drive is going to a hard drive doctor tomorrow (a.k.a. IT guy) who hopefully can fix this problem for me. I've done everything a blond, bubbly, brainy N. can do. I've had enough frustration. I give up and concede.


It stormed here tonight, to the degree that we had tornado watches again. Lovely stuff. The clouds were tremendous, dark and hovering. Winds picked up and let loose like mad. The rain came down in torrents, creating a lake in the downward sloping areas in my front yard. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed. Gorgeous storm and honestly one of our best this summer. The trees up the street are beginning to turn, just slightly. I think we'll be having an early Autumn, and most likely a harsh Winter. Time will tell.


My cousin, the one who's currently pregnant, was in the hospital overnight last night. My aunt called this afternoon to tell me and so I called to check on her this evening. Apparently, she had contractions due to being dehydrated and they kept her overnight for observations. The phone call was just long enough for her to tell me that. I can officially say now that she gave me the brush-off. I should probably chalk it up to fatigue or illness but time will tell on that front as well. I put in my time and energy and she couldn't even be bothered to return a phone call earlier this Summer. I left several messages and even sent her an email to make sure she was okay and she completely avoided me. I've kept my distance, figuring if she wanted to talk with me she could put forth some effort. That, apparently, isn't going to happen. Sad state of affairs. We'll see what happens once she has the baby, I guess.

I'm sorry that she isn't feeling well, am concerned about her and the baby and I tried to relay that to her tonight. Not sure if it worked, though.


I can hear the crickets, feel the weight of the evening settling in on me. Welcoming quiet, comforting blanket of dark. The rain still patters a bit, keeping time with the hum of the locusts. Is there anyone else in the world who finds such solace in natural lullabies?

Happy Wednesday night.


8:30 p.m. - 2004-08-18


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