nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Chaos and cold

I'm back. Complete chaos reigns at the p.d. Saturday night the one person who was supposed to have manned third shift called off. I stayed over four hours, putting me there a total of twelve and then when I left at 3 am, the shift commander took up post. He had been ordered by the Capt. to NOT shut down the office and to keep LEADS up and running under my sign in even though I had gone home for the night. Can we all say SANCTIONS? Because that's exactly what our LEADS coordinator is facing if NCIC finds out. It's completely against the law to do that. My butt's out of the ringer because I was ordered into it but that doesn't take the department's butt out of service. They could opt to remove our LEADS system for up to a year--thereby making our dept. completely useless. We wouldn't be able to access any of the necessary systems used to track criminals, enter warrants, confirm warrants, enter towed and stolen vehicles, etc. Not good. And they KNOWINGLY set us up to be in that situation! I was floored.
It's like some bizarre dysfunctional funeral home there right now. Everyone's sniping at everyone and acting as if someone died. And if I hear FavoriteCoworker whine one more time about the possibility of losing her job..I might pinch her. Preach to the choir some more, there, hon.
My son's toes ended up fine--a little bruised and sore but recovering. I discovered that J had left his Grand Theft Auto game here after spending the night on Friday. Never again! That game is SO not intended for kids. I listened to Ry playing, repeating some of the things coming out of the game as he played and he nearly got his mouth washed out with soap. This is the kids' last week of school before Christmas break. I'll be crazy by the time New Year's is over. Heh.
We had our first real snowfall of the season today. I awoke to a scattering of snow that quickly became steady flurries. The flakes were the soft, fluffy kind that seem to blanket the ground in minutes. By the time I went to work this afternoon, the temps had dropped just enough to begin making driving a little treacherous. And coming home tonight was lovely. The sky was lit with this haze of grey and there was snow everywhere. It was eerily quiet, insulated. The streets were unmarred and so clean and my front yard was a pristine layer of soft snow.
I took Gracie out right away and she pranced like her delicate little toes were going to freeze right off. I wanted to stay outside for awhile longer, soak in the buffered sounds and the smell of the cold. Cold enough you can feel it in your teeth when you inhale.
Figured I'd be better served by unwinding and getting to bed at a semi-decent hour.
Beautiful Winter has finally wrapped her arms around us and we're held to her cold bosom. White Christmas ahead.
Happy Tuesday early morning.

12:00 a.m. - 2004-12-13


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