nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Quick summation

Let's see if I can quickly summarize the last several days.
Work has sucked like nothing else. People are crabby and coworkers are nasty. I just want out of this place. I'm tired of complaining about it and tired of living the stuff of complaints.
Last night I had an extra kid as we had sleepover night. Not so bad--good kid, easy enough. Tonight was also supposed to be sleepover night but poor Ry is sick. 102 on the temp gauge and erping more often than not. Sleepover night got cancelled. I spent three hours last night in the E.R. because I started wheezing like a stuck bagpipe. Turns out my allergies were not allergies but a lovely illness. They took xrays and aren't sure (which leads me to wonder about the schooling these techs have had) whether the shading on them is pneumonia or just congestion. Hmm..okay.
They sent me home at 2 am, after 3 breathing treatments and prednisone, with an inhaler, hydrocodone, and zythromax and a diagnosis of acute bronchitis AGAIN. Joy and happiness. Because the hydrocodone knocks me out (and Ry was sick) I couldn't take it all day. Then I had to go to work without taking it. So I've spent the better part of the day hacking myself half to death and trying really hard not to pee my pants. Women, you know what I mean. There's only so much coughing a girl can do.
T.M.I., I know.
Grams is so zombied out on her pain meds that she's resting comfortably 99.8% of the time. Probably a good thing.
Remember FavoriteCoworker? I ran into her the other day and things were sort of...frosty. I called her tonight to see what was up (besides the fact that I've been a lousy friend lately in keeping up with contact) and got blasted away. I'm not sure if our conversation smoothed things out a bit or not. I'm partially at fault because contact has been limited from my end. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
It's snowing here. SNOW. After having had days in the 70's. I know this is Ohio and all but STILL. Someone needs to send Mama Nature a fax.
I'm going to bed now. I'm going to take my narcotic and float into non-cough zone. Happy last three days and happy Saturday.

10:46 p.m. - 2005-04-23


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