nixtress's Diaryland Diary



We managed to survive the Day of Little Sleep/SleepoverVille, with only a little loss of patience. The boys are intact and better today so I can't really complain.
I took my little sister to get her hair cut today. She hasn't had one since the LAST time I took her, almost two years ago. She had long, blonde hair, almost to her waist and they chopped it. I can say, though, that she kept asking for the stylist (our cousin from our mother's side) to cut just a little more, after I'd had them trim off the rough ends. She looks much better now, hair looks much healthier. On top of that, she's pretty much a tomboy and hated combing her hair, let alone getting it out of her face. It'll be much easier to maintain now.
I've made a pact with myself. Today started a healthier lifestyle for me. I tend to make sure the boys eat well and then end up forgetting to eat myself or eating something easy, not always the best option. My goal is to eat regularly, with nutritious food, and to walk at least a couple miles every day. While school is out, I'll go to the high school track and if need be, just trot the boys along with. They can always bring a football to toss or something else to occupy themselves. I know that I'll feel better, in all ways. I'll sleep better, let off some steam and get out for awhile. I also know that I have a bright future ahead of me and I need to be able to keep up with it as well as the boys.
SO. Lifestyle changes, they are a-coming.
Father's Day weekend. Always a little bittersweet here. Fathers just aren't reliable here at Chez Nixtress. In some ways, I can't bemoan that fact. In some ways, we're all better off. The biological father I have still living is, to be honest, useless. He can't even remember my sons' names. Certainly has no interest in me, let alone them. We'll pass it by as quietly as we're able.
Grams was cantankerous today! Not sure what had her in such a tizzy but she was downright mean to Gramps. I'm thinking she had herself convinced he'd abandoned her, because she wouldn't even let him kiss her goodbye on the cheek.
Happy Friday, all. If you have good fathers, make sure they know how much you love them this weekend.
N. P.s. I recently bought a slew of new cd's. One of them was Rob Thomas' new one and I really like it. One song in particular has been haunting my thoughts, "All That I Am". It's got a melancholy, wistful sound to it and I love it. Go find it and listen. "I am the sound of love's arriving Echoed softly on the sand Lay your head upon my shoulder Lay your hand within my hand I give you all that I am And I breathe where you breathe Let me stand where you stand With all that I am...." ---Rob Thomas

9:59 p.m. - 2005-06-17


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