nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Christmas thoughts and random revisited

I have officially finished all Christmas shopping.
That's so liberating.
I'm managing (for the most part) to stick to my less-stress-is-best theory for this holiday season and this ties right in. No last minute gift shopping, no fighting the hordes of people, no penny pinching trying to squeeze out just ONE MORE PRESENT. Planning is a good thing.
I think I'm liking this.
Of course, there's still typical grocery shopping and hitting WallyWorld for pet food and other essentials but I can skirt around the hot spots there and take side aisles while avoiding this crazy woman with the list five miles long who seems to actually enjoy ramming her cart into others and that really grumpy man who's tired of waiting for her to pick up SOMETHING and those sets of crying/whining/pouting kids who don't WANT to wait for Christmas because they want that toy RIGHT NOW...
Know what I mean?
Relief is underrated.
Now comes one of my favorite parts: wrapping everything!!
Each day we creep closer to Christmas is one more day without snow here and my sons are beginning to wonder if we're going to have the white stuff when they wake up. Of course, our actual Christmas morning won't happen until the 26th, due to family obligations so maybe that'll give us a little buffer.
(For the record, I can't remember the last time we had our Christmas actually ON the 25th. We've always moved it around a bit, sort of my own little version of Let's Make A Deal with family members).
Keeping my fingers crossed for at least a little snow.
I've already got a New Year's resolution. GracieDog and I are both going to tone up. She's getting downright tubby and I can't imagine for a little dog such as herself that it's particularly healthy to be so...round.
And I need to work on it too, so why not drag her along for the walk, as it may be? We'll both benefit.
Completely off topic: have you seen how big sperm whales can get??? I was watching this show on the Discovery Channel today and there was a program on whales...I was blown away. They're huge! I forget how small we (human BEANS) are, in the grand scheme of things. Maybe if I lived or worked in a larger city, I'd keep that in mind more, dwarfed by all those concrete skyscrapers and towering buildings. Maybe because I've spent the majority of my life in small towns, I just don't think about how tiny we really are.
And yet, we have such a major impact on everything around us.
Just a thought.
Happy Sunday.

10:49 a.m. - 2006-12-17


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