nixtress's Diaryland Diary



Ryan started wrestling tonight.
He's so funny. He's this little guy, just over 4 feet at 9 1/2 years old and with a personality that barely fits inside his body. He's at around 74 pounds now and has that stocky build that I can see is going to begin fading away in the not-to-far-away future.
Because of his age, he was meshed in with other boys from the 4th grade (a grand total of 5!) but in size, was the smallest boy there, physically. It was awesome to see. He doesn't miss a step when thrown into situations like that. Ryan isn't intimidated by anything other than his own expectations.
We had a rough moment prior to leaving home because he was insisting on wearing shorts and I told him that he was wearing sweats. It's 20 degrees outside--if he wanted shorts, they were still going to be UNDER the sweats! He melted down a bit, didn't want to go in looking (in his own head) a certain way.
Thankfully, he wasn't the only boy in sweatpants and so all of his angst disappeared just. like. that.
As the practice wore on, I could see bits and pieces from his last season snapping back into place. He recollected the stance, the moves, the basics. Ry's much more aggressive this season, doesn't hesitate at all to take the bigger boys down and literally oozes orneriness from every pore.
Made me and the entire row of moms laugh more than once.
At one point in his life, I worried about "little man syndrome" but that's so not the case right now.
He's so confident in himself but is keeping it in check enough not to be completely arrogant. I'm glad for that.
It's going to be interesting to watch Ryan's growth in wrestling this year.
In spite of the cold, I squeezed in my walk today, managing a mile and a half before my nose, fingers and ears nearly froze off and I called it quits. It was a beautiful walk, with everything so clear and cold.
The ducks on the pond in our park have been joined by the most enormous swans I've ever seen. They're so big that the elegance typical with swans is muted. They look like bullies next to the tiny ducks and geese we normally have.
I have an appt. with my bathtub. Hot water, fluffy bubbles, complete dark and my Ipod. How better the measure comfort?
Happy Wednesday.

9:47 p.m. - 2007-01-17


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