nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Chaotic nights

Having unloaded as much as I did last night and then cried myself empty, I fully expected to have a very deep, very catatonic sleep.
That SO did not happen. An hour and a half after I fell asleep, I awoke to what sounded like someone banging on the side of my house.
Turns out, it was at the neighbor's house and was her drunk bf (either old or new, I'm unsure which).
He proceeded to walk around the side of her house, banging on all the windows and yelling belligerently that he "knew they were in there" and added in expletives every other word or so.
He went from banging the front door to either trying to kick it in or bodyslamming it. When that didn't work, it sounded as if he tried to go in through a window.
I'm hearing all of this inside my bedroom, all windows closed. That's how loud he was. When I heard what sounded like entry through the window, followed by the sound of my neighbor screaming (not just in anger), I called 911. After speaking for just a moment or two, I crept onto my front porch in time to see three police cruisers fly around the corner of our street and stop, lights extinguished.
The officers quietly walked down the street and stood outside for a minute or so, trying to gauge which apartment it was at and if there was any further sign of disquiet.
One of the sergeants went to the front door and knocked and I heard him ask the girl next door if she was okay.
She rather shakily said no and I then went back inside, figuring they'd cover it.
A short time later, one of the sergeants I used to work with came to the door and asked a few questions. The only details he gave were that this was some sort of bf of that gal next door and that she was claiming he got in through the window, against her wishes. The guy was claiming she let him in the front door (which didn't really mesh with what I was hearing).
I'm not sure if they arrested him or what the final outcome was but overall, it quieted down and I was finally able to get back to sleep at 4:30am, an hour before I had to get back up.
At first, when I woke up, I thought it was someone banging on MY house and that freaked me out a little. Then, when I realized it was next door, it continued to unsettle me because we live in a basically quiet neighborhood. This is not the norm here. On top of that, when I worked at the p.d., I read entirely too many cases that involved drunken boyfriends and guns.
As a mom in a house by herself with three boys, it freaked me out.
Overall, I don't tend to scare easily. Typically, being here alone doesn't bother me too much. I'm a pretty capable woman. However, staring something like this in the face made me re-evaluate things a little and made me realize I need to sit down with the boys and set up a contingency plan. Things happen. We can't control everything.
Thank you to those who've left kind notes. I'm trying to take steps that will not only bring me some peace but also allow me to live a clearer life. Reclaiming my space and being upfront is part of that, I think. Changes are good, even when they're hard. Sometimes we need to rip off the old bandages to make room for some deep healing.
I'm off to bed.
Happy Tuesday.

12:42 a.m. - 2007-10-31


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