nixtress's Diaryland Diary


the roar of the chainsaw.

They cut down my maple yesterday. They showed up in my yard at 9 am on a Saturday morning (Memorial weekend as well) and began the process of ridding my yard of this beautiful tree. We left. I was beyond pissed that it was happening to begin with and the idea of sitting and watching it come down wasn't an option. By the time we came home, they'd leveled it and all that remained was a mound of mulch as tall as my Ry and 9 large sections of the trunk. Goofy girl that I am, looking at how bare and open and stark the front yard looks now,I promptly went inside and burst into tears. Don't ask, because I'm not exactly sure what it was about this whole situation that bothered me so badly, but it did. I had a minor meltdown. I admit to being human. It just doesn't make much sense to me. My landlady (also my aunt) not only destroyed this maple, she also had 3 more cut down on other properties she owns simply because she doesn't want to take the chance of tree roots in the sewer lines. And today she explained that they were thinking about planting another small tree in it's place!!! That makes NO SENSE AT ALL. NONE. Why cut the other down in the first place then?

Work hasn't been as bad as I'd thought it would be. Beepbeep voice girl hasn't been too horrid, and Austin the jerk called off yesterday so that was joyous as well. It wasn't overly busy, fairly steady with a random amount of wackjobs. Lovely.

The kitties are settling in at a rapid rate. Freya has learned the use of the litter box, and is fast becoming a freedom-loving beastie. She likes to sprawl in the middle of the living room floor right now. She also has discovered the joy of jumping (not much room for that in a metal cage) and is exploring every jumpable surface in the house. I had a warm little body spooning me last night and it was so cute. Wraith still maintains her hidey space under the tablecloth, but has been venturing out regularly just to kind of check out things. I'm a little concerned with her belly as it's still warm to the touch and slightly swelled where her stitches were. She is still babying it quite a bit as well, so I'm thinking a trip to the vet is imminent.

The boys spent the majority of today outside as it was a gorgeous day in the state of Ohio. We attended a barbecue and it was an overall pleasant afternoon. We also used the mountain of mulch in the front yard to mulch my flower beds, and rolled the twelve ton remnants of the tree trunk to the side yard where my uncle will retrieve them at some point. I hope.

Not a very exciting entry, this, but it does catch me up a little for the last few days. I hope everyone else has had an enjoyable weekend, or tolerable at the least. Off to play laundress.


9:07 p.m. - 2003-05-25


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