nixtress's Diaryland Diary


My Thanksgiving

I'm so glad I'm home.

It's been a busy couple of days since I've been here, and I'm glad to be in my own space on my own time again.

Thursday (Thanksgiving) was spent at work for 8 hrs, then at my aunt Kathy's house. It was lovely, for the most part. As always, there was food galore and my family everywhere. I spent a good amount of time on the outer edges just..soaking it in. There's something about watching family members all together, interacting as they always have, that keeps you grounded.

My bio-dad showed and said not a word to me, and not a word to my sons, in spite of them talking to him. His loss, right? I hope it's just his, anyway.

I had to have a little talk with Amy about leaving Tater with the boys and instructing them to keep an eye on her. They're only 6 and 7, not yet old enough to be in charge of an almost-3 yr old and a pretty active one at that. And she left pretty quickly after, so I'm thinking she's peeved at me. Overall,though, it was nice. The boys had plenty of cousin time, my grandparents were both there, there were some decisions made about their care and we were all...together. And that made my holiday.

It poured like crazy most of Thursday and while I called Mom, we didn't actually make it out there. Apparently, neither did either one of my brothers. B. had to work and K. went to his bio-dad's for the holiday. And I felt like a heel.

Yesterday we went out of town for another Thanksgiving foodfest and ended up sleeping over there due to snow. It got icky and icy and driving would have been an unwelcome adventure. Much fun was had playing cards and eating pie while trying not to snort it out my nose due to laughter.

The boys did well, ate most everything I put in front of them. Surprising, considering Ryan's current pickiness but he managed to eat what was there.

And then this morning he woke up with an ouchy tummy. Poor guy. Maybe he ate TOO much.

It snowed some overnight but the salt shakers had done their thing and the roadways were okay. We trundled on home with more turkey to add to our fridge and assorted other goodies.

And I'm rejuvenated. I needed to feel connected again, needed to be reminded where I came from and where I belonged. It's amazing what good, familiar food and faces, mixed with healthy doses of laughter, can do for a soul. I'm uplifted again. And I'm lucky.

There were lots of funny things that occurred through the last two days that I'll share in the next few days. I think this has been long enough.

I hope everyone else had a great holiday, not too stressed or painful.

I'll pop in after work tonight.

Happy Saturday!


11:37 a.m. - 2003-11-29


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