nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Evenings, puddytats, gangsta love, Thing 1 and Thing 2

We're winding down into the twilight hours here, still overcast and drizzly.

When I was younger, I was such the morning person. I was up at the crack of dawn and loved it, loved being awake while everyone else was still slumbering. The day always appeared so clean and untouched to me. I always seemed to get alot accomplished before the rest of the world even stirred. And I liked it that way.

Now I've evolved into an evening and night woman. Mornings, while quiet, don't hold the allure for me that they used to. Now they echo with things that need done, agendas. Give me evenings where my sons are slowing down, where we're much more contemplative about our days and the events that happened, when we're sudsing our way through bathtime and cuddling up for stories and then bed. And give me the nights, where it's quiet in my house, and it's my time again, to fill with whatever activities I choose..or don't choose. My time to be just an adult, just me, attentive only to the things I choose instead of the things that choose me.


As I've mentioned before, Freya is a fruitloop. She loves the twisty ties off bread. I have started coiling them around my pinkie finger, forming them into a nice spring-like shape and then dropping them on the living room floor. She'll chase those things for hours and brings them to me like a puppy with a chewbone, when she's pounced them just a little too hard and flattened the rounded curls. Fruitloop.


Ryan went to school today in a bandanna. Literally, he looked like a pale little gangsta. He's even got that cocky who-you-messin'-wid walk down pat. This is Right to Read week and they're encouraging the kiddos to stretch outside their normal and ordinary lives. I think the origin of bandanna day was something to do with cowboys. My son put a different slant on it.

Tomorrow they're supposed to dress up like a character from a tall tale or their favorite storybook character. They've opted to go to school as Thing 1 and Thing 2. They've both got red sweats and as mentioned in this entry, I have blue hair goop (not applied quite so thickly as in that entry) that'll give them just the right zip. This should be interesting.

It's been a peaceful Tuesday, for the most part, and I'm glad it's winding down.

Good evening.


6:28 p.m. - 2004-03-30


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