nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Children and beasts (interchangable)

There's something wrong with me.

My cousin J. popped in with her two children this morning and ended up going somewhere with her mother, my aunt Mag. Cousin J was always around at Grams when I was younger, and although she's about 4 yrs older than I, we did just about everything together when I was dumped off on my grandparents. For the longest time, she was the only one I considered myself close to.

That's changed some, as can be expected, as we've gotten older. More distance, less in common, etc. I realized something this morning as her daughter and son ran rampant through the house, screeching like a pair of banshees. I realized I don't really like her anymore. And I really don't like her children. How awful is that? They're kids..not their fault, right? They annoy the living crap out of me, don't listen to anyone, do exactly as they choose to do, and have no respect for anything at all. They're mouthy, messy, bratty little..brats. They make me want to swat them on the ass and send them to a corner for the next 12 billion years.

And I'm usually the patient one.

Sheesh. Maybe it was more the fact that while at Gram's today, I had four children there already and had managed to that point to keep them quiet and calm. And then they showed up and were beyond obnoxious which of course set off the other four. My cousin's reaction? She went outside and ignored them.


I think it bothers me because I try so hard to make sure my sons are well-mannered and polite.


Yesterday was fun. Having fun while learning is a nifty thing. We hiked through a pine forest, around a lake, up a hill then down it, and circled back around to where we began, all while enjoying a warm day peppered with a misting cool rain. It was nature at it's best. We saw the biggest water snake I've ever seen and several other species of woodland wildlife. Then it was off to the Center itself to do the informative portion of our visit. They created their own insects, from assorted materials (they're just too cute for words) and then took little plastic boxes with a magnified side out to capture bugs in. Ryan caught a baby grasshopper and it took strenuous persuasions to talk him out of bringing it home on the bus.

Part of the fun for me was driving through the little town I spent 6th grade to almost graduation in. That literally was the longest I'd ever lived in one place before. That tiny town held some massive memories for me, and it was interesting to go through it again, after so many years being gone. So much and so little had changed. There were additions and subtractions to the basic landscape there, changes in households and some families that obviously still lived where they'd always lived. My old high school hadn't changed. And my memories hadn't. It was fun.

We also had a surprise baby shower for Trev's teacher which went pretty well. And I cannot believe we have two whole days of school left. Total. Two.

Where has the school year gone?


Work is a mess, with calloffs galore. I firmly believe that if you don't want to work you shouldn't be employed. Thsi weekend should be interesting. Updates on that later.

I hope everyone is ready for a good holiday weekend. Hope things go well all the way around. Happy Friday.


1:08 p.m. - 2004-05-28


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