nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Nifty Indians game

What a day. We're freshly back from the Indians game and it was a smash. From the getgo, I knew it was going to be hot, and HOT it was. Our seats were in the outfield, near the bullpens and we had full frontal sun the entire time. There were roughly 30,000 people there.
We got there fairly early, found decent (and affordable) parking and were at the gate about half an hour before they opened. It was Hat Day and because we managed to be part of the first 20,000 people, we all got free ball caps. The boys were very happy. Got inside and showed Ave and his mom around a bit, found where all our seats were going to be then headed upstairs to the pavilion where our lunch was being served. Not bad, all things considered. Hot dogs, hamburgs and bbq'ed chicken, with pasta salad and cole slaw too. Sodas were free until the third inning and there were popsicles for the kids, as well. Not bad at all.
Wandering back from Foodville, I ran into a girl I haven't seen in a very long time (what shall I call about Bethany). Bethany, at one point, collected attractive boys like they were going out of style. That has changed---she now is dating a nice young woman and they are happily raising Bethany's two boys. I haven't seen her in a coon's age and it was a pleasant surprise to see her there, of all places.
We settled into our seats, baked in the sun and watched a lovely home run hit by Jhonny Peralta. (No misspelling there, folks). There were a couple good double plays and Grady Sizemore did rather well tonight too. It was a good game, overall. Our new guy, Dubois, had some good moments, as well. I was a happy camper. Lots of hooting and hollering as that's one of my favorite parts of baseball games. I'm a vocal kid at heart. The boys loved it and Ave had a blast, this being his first Major League baseball game. Good stuff.
I'm glowing like Rudolph now. My nose is red-red-RED. Sort of matches my scalp and cheeks and shoulders and...
yep. I got burnt. IN SPITE of using sunscreen. That's my luck. Hopefully it fades quickly!
Can'tEatAndCan'tPoop surprised the crud out of me yesterday. She showed up at my house toting an air conditioner that she'd picked up at a garage sale. It's now happily nestled in my kitchen window and our house is actually comfortable. I owe her a whopping five dollars for it and a million thank yous. It was sweet of her to think of us and I hugely appreciate it. Going to have to think of a way to thank her properly. That was a very kind gesture.
Anyway, off to walk the dog.
Happy Saturday, all.

7:53 p.m. - 2005-07-23


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