nixtress's Diaryland Diary


tidbits and carob bits

I'm very ready for things to settle down and be back to normal around here.
So ready, in fact, that this weekend is going to be a flurry of heading back into that normalcy.
My plan for today and tomorrow is to get all of the Christmas stuff taken down and put away.
Cleaning will continue. Clutter needs to find a new home!
I asked the boys yesterday to clean their bedroom. Two hours later, I couldn't see a stitch of carpeting but that was all the progress that had been made.
I'm ashamed to say that I lost my temper. That resulted in four lawn-n-leaf sized garbage bags worth of toys and junk being removed from that bedroom. At least one of those was assorted Yu-Gi-Oh cards and the like that I dug out of the bottom of the toy box. A toybox used for card storage? *sigh*
No problem cleaning up when there's not much there to begin with, right?
The boys weren't too happy with me but I told them that if they'd done what I asked to begin with, it wouldn't have ended that way.
SO. That's my goal---a clean house for the New Year. I can't stand clutter!
New Year's Eve I'll put out munchies and the boys and I'll play marathon games of Monopoly, etc.
Nice to be home with no worries of drunk drivers or having to be cordial to annoying people imbibing just a bit too much.
We still haven't seen a lick of snow. Poor Denver is getting hammered and we're sitting on 40 degrees and holding. Really unusual for Ohio at this time of year. We've always had SOMETHING stick by this time, at least on average.
Trev was complaining that his sled is going to get no use this year and that the snow gods are against us. He cracks me up. Does he expect me to offer up virgin ice cubes or something?
I ended up making the best chocolate chip cookies without a bit of chocolate in them. I have a family member who can't have chocolate anymore because she's not allowed to have caffeine. Problem being, she's a huge choco-nut and is missing it something fierce (something I can empathize with as I'm a choco-nut too!)
I hit a bulk food place near us and bought a huge bag of carob chips because I'd read that carob is a nice substitute for chocolate and tastes basically the same. That is completely true! The cookies turned out wonderfully and I actually like them better than regular chippers. I also bought a bag of carob powder (think cocoa powder) so that she can make a big old fat batch of brownies with it.
Okay. Enough time hiding from the laundry that's calling to me.
Happy Friday, all.

11:06 a.m. - 2006-12-29


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