nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Betty flippin' Crocker.

Peanut butter fudge? Check.
Chocolate fudge, with and without nuts? Check.
Snickerdoodles? Check.
Gingersnaps? Chocolate kiss cookies? Thumbprint cookies? Buckeyes? Caramels? Toffee chocolate crunch? Peanut butter cookies? Pinwheels? Rice crispy treats? Spritz cookies? Check, check and more check.
Chocolate covered pretzel rods? Oh, yes. Chocolate covered mini pretzels? Hell, NO. All those people on the 'Net, all the cookbooks in the world, every website around...they're all big fat liars, every one of 'em.
They are SO not easy!! I admit. I cannot make them. I tried. So many times I went bonkers. Can't Be. Done. By. ME. They ended up, every time, gloppy and ill-defined. One side, without fail, was overly covered with chocolate while the other side showed marks where my toothpick/fork/fingers rested as I dipped it into the chocolate. Final decision?
SCREW IT. I may not be able to make crappy little choco-dipped pretzelies but damn it, I make kick ass peanut butter fudge!!
In other news...there really isn't any. I'm still recovering from last week's Santa Shop. Some nice child in the mix of about 500 shared some pretty nice germs with us and by Friday, I was sniffly and feeling like crap. The sinus pressure and head congestion is letting up but my throat is killing me and I have, yet again, one of those non-productive coughs kicking. I've been taking meds like crazy because I so do NOT want to be sick for Christmas. Yuck.
I got the boys' shopping completely done this weekend and only have a bit of shopping left to do for the family. Yay! People are NUTS out there right now.
I'm looking forward to watching the boys open things up. Trev wanted Madden '08 in the worst way, Bran was begging for a cell phone (he's almost 14, and I got him a prepaid one so he can learn to budget his minutes/money too) and Ryan is going to lose his marbles over the Star Wars-themed Legos I bought him. Those are the top items on their lists and the things they wanted the most. It's going to be so fun to see them fruit out. My kids are so easy to please.
Tomorrow is Party Day at school for the younger two. I promised if I felt okay that I'd try to make an appearance.
On that note...I'm off to bed. Need to make sure I'm getting lots o'rest.
Happy Tuesday.

10:29 p.m. - 2007-12-18


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