nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Random thoughts and a bird tragedy


I'm sleepy.. anyone wanna opt to snuggle back into bed with me?

That's what I thought. *sigh*

ACK! A bird just slammed it's dumb ass into my window. Not surprising considering it's beyond foggy out there. Poor thing probably just lost his way..kind of like some people I know.

I'm really wishing the weather would make up it's mind as I'd like to get out into my backyard and start some work. I've grapevines overtaking the back fence and some other things that need taken care of. I'd like to put in a goldfish pond this summer. Yep, in my backyard. Doesn't look TOO hard..and even a fruit-loop like myself should be able to create a small crater and line it with a lil rubber, right? NO PROB. A little fountainy water stirrer thing as'll be lovely. And besides that it'll give everyone another reason to giggle at my silly ass :P

Ok, stories I'd intended to share.

We have a newish girl at work, a very ..different kind of chicklet. You can smell her before she's fully in the back door. THAT strong. By the end of an eight hour shift, you've got a headache the size of Toledo and are wishing you could just hose her down. She's quite probably the rudest person I've ever met..completely disregards any and all greetings from coworkers and has the phone mannerisms of an ox. Her dealings with window traffic are comparable to that as well. Hopefully she quits soon. She's liable to drive me batty. One of the officers happened to come to their little window at a time when she was out of sight and commented loudly that someone in our office smelled like an old lady overdosing on Avon. Hard-pressed was I not to fall over laughing.

Secondly, the Easter Egg hunt. Holy mackerel. The boys were hysterical. They split them up in age groups and Trev and Ry ended up in the same group, 4-6 yr olds. They found someone to dress up in this big fluffy bunny costume with a poochy belly and hand out goodies to the lil ones. Picture-taking commenced and my sons, hams that they are, strategically placed themselves almost in the rabbit's lap when they heard that the group picture was going to be in the newspaper. Too funny. They collected eggs like troopers, scrambling 'round with the other rugrats, and came panting back with overflowing baskets (there were a gazillion eggs out there) and red noses. It was kind of windy and chilly but they insisted. They had fun and I had fun laughing at the images of them rummaging around and popping up with a shout "Got one!".

Lazy day today. Not much to accomplish.

Hope everyone survived Monday.


9:58 a.m. - 2003-04-08


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