nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Missing it already, dr's and nurses, and the 'Net.

I'm going to be an unhappy girl. According to Andrew, my Gold membership runs out in exactly 1.81 days..and then I'll be stat-less. Honestly, that's what I'll miss most. I can't see sending off money that is sorely needed in other areas right now just to satisfy my noseyness..perhaps again sometime in the future. I've quite enjoyed it but when it comes down to it, there're things you want and things you NEED.

I miss making sun tea. I miss watching the cold, clear water turn all golden and then a deep amber. I miss the first cold sip after I've sweetened it and put it in a glass brimming with ice. And if I tried to make it right now, the flippin' thing would freeze rock solid. Although...tomorrow, for one day only, the temps are supposed to reach 50's here. Maybe I can sneak it in somewhere...

As of tomorrow, we have one week until Trev's dr. appt. at Akron Children's. We have a consultation with his doc in the behavioral peds unit up there, to try to figure out an alternative method to medicating him. I'm really not looking forward to this meeting. My stomach gets tied in knots every time I think about I'll just not think about it right now!

My ISP has decided to start screwing me around and so I've done it--I caved in and tried one of those stupid AOHell disks. Just until I get another set up. So far, I'm not liking it much. Maybe it's one of those things you need to get used to?

Grams' nurse came today, just to check in and make sure all is well. We had a long and in depth conversation about several things. She feels that Grams needs to go back on her double dose of Oxycontin. She feels that Grams lack of sleep, increased pain, decreased appetite and nausea are all valid reasons for her to go back on it. She also is chucking Mag's idea of aloe on the bedsore. She says it's keeping the sore moist, which is the opposite of what we want to happen. She wants the Betadine applied three times a day with a fresh dressing each time. Overall, I agree with her decisions. I've voiced before my feelings on keeping Grams comfy. Not much has changed in that respect.

I'm sipping hot chocolate and every now and again glancing at the latest Survivor. My thanks to the powers that be for 'Net service tonight and my sons resting peacefully. I'm going to catch up on my diaries and trundle off to bed.


7:50 p.m. - 2004-02-19


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