nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy.

I've spent a frustrating bit of time this afternoon, trying to upload the DC trip pictures to the online hosting place that I usually keep my pics at. However, it's not accepting the uploads and it's driving me batty.
I'll have to spend a little time this weekend and fiddle with them some more, perhaps compressing the size more. Maybe that's the problem. Or maybe it's the damned site, being a pain in my ass!
Ha. So. It's a gorgeous day here, sunny and in the 60's. Remember last Fall when the TelephoneJerks came and dug up my back hill to install a phone pole they didn't even use? At that point, I was upset because the bulbs I'd been cultivating back there were all torn up and I figured that was the end of my flowers back there. However, I've got about three dozen daffodils blooming there right this second and it's lovely. I've put little markers so that I know where to dig up the bulbs once they're ready. Take THAT, TelephonePoleJerks.
Gracie the Pooch and I spent some time outside, roaming the yard and making a mental list of things that need done. Spring Cleanup for our area of the city is this weekend and I'm looking forward to it in big ways, mostly because my garage needs cleaned out and I have fencing falling down in the back yard that I want taken too. The boys old swingset is going out and I'm going to have all the limbs chipped up too. Due to the storms this Winter, we have a whole pile that's ready to go.
I've decided to put in a garden this year and bought plants and seeds. The boys picked out corn and watermelon and carrots. The rest is all me. We'll see how it turns out. I just need to get a tiller in to turn over the garden area and we'll be in business. I also want to put up new line on the poles in the back. There's something soothing about sleeping on sheets that have been hung in the sun to dry.
My lawn is greening up nicely and the birds and squirrels have been playing tag all day. Fat squirrels, fat birds, fat chipmunks. Even the new Mr. Groundhog (although smaller than the last) is fat. They need a Spring workout!
I've got about an hour until the boys get home so I'm off to sit in the sun with my book. Thankfully, I only work from 6-10p tonight. Yay.
Happy Friday, all.

2:24 p.m. - 2005-04-08


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