nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Gadgets and gizmos

I keep intending to put up pics from Christmas and the surrounding time span but haven't even uploaded them to my computer. I'm a slug, I know.
I also keep intending to charge my Ipod Nano but it's not been done either.
I'm sort of perplexed by it. It's a nifty little thing but I'm at loss as to when I'll use it.
The only time I really have "me" time is at night when the boys have gone to bed. The difficulty with zoning with earbuds in is that Trev has night terrors and I need to be aware of what's going on with him. Earbuds sort of curtail that.
I bought this gadget that is supposed to allow you to hear it over your car stereo but it fades in and out, depending on reception and has moments of complete static (which irritates me to no end---almost as bad as all the commercials on public radio).
So. I'm not complaining---it's a very expensive, thoughtful gift, especially in light of the fact that I'm such a music nut.
Just need to work it in somewhere, I guess. Maybe in that hour window of time that I'm planning on going to the gym again!
I've decided to eliminate soda completely. I'm not a big soda drinker as it is, maybe once every other day or so, but I'm trying to make some healthy changes in my life and that will be a casualty. More water (if I can drink more water) and hot tea occasionally as well.
I'm still in my early 30's and I think that's the opportune time to make these changes.
Personal growth has taken a backseat to basic survival and everyday life. I've not been making time for anything other than the daily ins and outs and it's taking it's toll.
I wish someone would hand me a manual on how to do all this and do it successfully. I miss my Grams so much. She had a depth of experience that I drew on and she never guided me in the wrong direction.
I trusted her advice and her sage wisdom.
I'm trying. And sometimes it ends in success and other times, not so much.
Tomorrow is Thank You Note Writing Day.
The boys don't enjoy it much but I think it's an effort not practiced as much as it should be anymore.
It should be an adventure.
Happy New Year's Day.

9:49 p.m. - 2007-01-01


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