nixtress's Diaryland Diary


Patterns, of all sorts.

Middle of the week already and I feel like I've missed the whole first half.
It's blown by me.
Today the boys went back to school and it felt good to be back in the rut of things. Some patterns are comforting to me and this is certainly one of them. They had mixed emotions, of course! They wanted to see their friends and gloat over Christmas loot but were also lamenting the loss of free time. I remember having that torn feeling as a kid but in a completely opposite way.
For me, going back to school was a relief. It meant that I had an eight hour period where I could disappear from all the ick of my home life and be completely immersed in books and learning and things that had nothing whatsoever to do with alcohol or dysfunction. Being on break meant that I had no escape, no outlet and had to just deal 24-7.
However, it was while school was out that I was able to better protect and shield my 9-yrs-younger brother from all that was so dark about our household. Therefore, the relief of going back to school was marred with guilt and worry.
I'm so glad my boys don't have that weight to carry, incredibly glad that they can just be kids who bemoan their (temporary) loss of freedom and squirm their anticipation at getting back to the norm.
In a completely different direction:
I'm watching Beauty and the Geek with half an eye and an ear as I type this. I'm curious about something---why is it always "geek"y guys? What happened to pretty boys and smart women? I think it's about due for a change up.
'Nuff said.
Graciedog and I spent a good hour walking the trails today. It was a beautiful day, full of sunshine and nearly 50 degrees. It felt lovely to just be out and bathed in the light. GracieNoodle enjoyed barking at squirrels and sniffing every third square inch of soil and leaves. And I created an opportunity to use my Ipod Nano! Woot!
I'm (still) amazed by the odd weather patterns we're having. The Plains can get three feet of snow dumped on them and we're going to continue having 50 degree days and sunshine.
Just so...odd.
I jokingly told a neighbor that the end of the world was coming and she just cocked her eyebrow at me (she's newly found religion again).
Happy Wednesday, all. Hot baths await.

9:27 p.m. - 2007-01-03


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