nixtress's Diaryland Diary


A year already?

Today is the day that Ave's mom gets out of prison. Go see this entry, or this one, or this one for a semi-explanation. It's been a year now since she went away.
This last week has been a mess. Ave has been over about every three weeks this summer, much less than last but that's because he doesn't live in our neighborhood anymore and because he has a foster family who keeps him very involved.
I spent a large amount of time talking with his foster mom this week and it's been a tremendously hard week for her. She's broken down more times than I can count, for numerous reasons. Ave's mom refuses to tell anyone where she's going to live, how she's planning on supporting herself and Ave. Other than one letter from her requesting that I send stamped envelopes, I haven't heard a peep from her. It concretely showed me that we weren't friends as I thought we were. I'm worried about Ave, too. I'm concerned that without people to keep an eye on her, his mother will be back to her old stunts and end up getting back into trouble. I'm worried that Ave is going back into an unstable environment, without a rope to hold onto. His foster mom is making herself sick because she's really come to care for him. He begged both his foster parents this week to "not make him go back". I can't imagine how hard it must be, for both the foster parents and Ave. He's settled into a home where they have his best interests at heart, where they've worked long and hard at helping him to adjust, to settle and to stabilize and now it's all back up in the air.
Breaks my heart.
I can't believe it's been a year already.
School starts on Tuesday next week. As was true last year, I don't feel ready. I've gotten all the school supplies, all the school clothes, everyone's had haircuts and gotten new shoes...I just don't feel "in the groove". Gets harder every year, I swear.
Ah well. I need to pull weeds. Happy Saturday!
N. ps. A very long time ago, near to when I first began on Dland, I created a quiz. I had completely forgotten about it until I was reading through some older entries...if you haven't taken my goofy little quiz, please do so :)

11:32 a.m. - 2006-08-26


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